- Aegwynn US - Alliance
- Aegwynn US - Horde
- Aerie Peak US - Alliance
- Aerie Peak US - Horde
- Agamaggan US - Alliance
- Agamaggan US - Horde
- Aggramar US - Alliance
- Aggramar US - Horde
- Akama US - Alliance
- Akama US - Horde
- Alexstrasza US - Alliance
- Alexstrasza US - Horde
- Alleria US -A
- Alleria US -H
- Altar of Storms US - Alliance
- Altar of Storms US - Horde
- Alterac Mountains US - Alliance
- Alterac Mountains US - Horde
- Aman‘Thul US - Alliance
- Aman’Thul US - Horde
- Andorhal US - Alliance
- Andorhal US - Horde
- Anetheron US - Alliance
- Anetheron US - Horde
- Antonidas US - Alliance
- Antonidas US - Horde
- Anub‘arak US - Alliance
- Anub’arak US - Horde
- Anvilmar US - Alliance
- Anvilmar US - Horde
- Arathor US - Alliance
- Arathor US - Horde
- Archimonde US - Alliance
- Archimonde US - Horde
- Area 52 US - Alliance
- Area 52 US - Horde
- Argent Dawn US - Alliance
- Argent Dawn US - Horde
- Arthas US - Alliance
- Arthas US - Horde
- Arygos US - Alliance
- Arygos US - Horde
- Auchindoun US - Alliance
- Auchindoun US - Horde
- Azgalor US - Alliance
- Azgalor US - Horde
- Azjol-Nerub US - Alliance
- Azjol-Nerub US - Horde
- Azralon US - Alliance
- Azralon US - Horde
- Azshara US - Alliance
- Azshara US - Horde
- Azuremyst US - Alliance
- Azuremyst US - Horde
- Baelgun US - Alliance
- Baelgun US - Horde
- Balnazzar US - Alliance
- Balnazzar US - Horde
- Barthilas US - Alliance
- Barthilas US - Horde
- Black Dragonflight US - Alliance
- Black Dragonflight US - Horde
- Blackhand US - Alliance
- Blackhand US - Horde
- Blackrock US - Alliance
- Blackrock US - Horde
- Blackwater Raiders US - Alliance
- Blackwater Raiders US - Horde
- Blackwing Lair US - Alliance
- Blackwing Lair US - Horde
- Blade‘s Edge US - Alliance
- Blade’s Edge US - Horde
- Bladefist US - Alliance
- Bladefist US - Horde
- Bleeding Hollow US - Alliance
- Bleeding Hollow US - Horde
- Blood Furnace US - Alliance
- Blood Furnace US - Horde
- Bloodhoof US - Alliance
- Bloodhoof US - Horde
- Bloodscalp US - Alliance
- Bloodscalp US - Horde
- Bonechewer US - Alliance
- Bonechewer US - Horde
- Borean Tundra US - Alliance
- Borean Tundra US - Horde
- Boulderfist US - Alliance
- Boulderfist US - Horde
- Bronzebeard US - Alliance
- Bronzebeard US - Horde
- Burning Blade US - Alliance
- Burning Blade US - Horde
- Burning Legion US - Alliance
- Burning Legion US - Horde
- Caelestrasz US - Alliance
- Caelestrasz US - Horde
- Cairne US - Alliance
- Cairne US - Horde
- Cenarion Circle US - Alliance
- Cenarion Circle US - Horde
- Cenarius US - Alliance
- Cenarius US - Horde
- Cho‘gall US - Alliance
- Cho’gall US - Horde
- Chromaggus US - Alliance
- Chromaggus US - Horde
- Coilfang US - Alliance
- Coilfang US - Horde
- Crushridge US - Alliance
- Crushridge US - Horde
- Daggerspine US - Alliance
- Daggerspine US - Horde
- Dalaran US - Alliance
- Dalaran US - Horde
- Dalvengyr US - Alliance
- Dalvengyr US - Horde
- Dark Iron US - Alliance
- Dark Iron US - Horde
- Darkspear US - Alliance
- Darkspear US - Horde
- Darrowmere US - Alliance
- Darrowmere US - Horde
- Dath‘Remar US - Alliance
- Dath’Remar US - Horde
- Dawnbringer US - Alliance
- Dawnbringer US - Horde
- Deathwing US - Alliance
- Deathwing US - Horde
- Demon Soul US - Alliance
- Demon Soul US - Horde
- Dentarg US - Alliance
- Dentarg US - Horde
- Destromath US - Alliance
- Destromath US - Horde
- Dethecus US - Alliance
- Dethecus US - Horde
- Detheroc US - Alliance
- Detheroc US - Horde
- Doomhammer US - Alliance
- Doomhammer US - Horde
- Draenor US - Alliance
- Draenor US - Horde
- Dragonblight US - Alliance
- Dragonblight US - Horde
- Dragonmaw US - Alliance
- Dragonmaw US - Horde
- Drak‘Tharon US - Alliance
- Drak’Tharon US - Horde
- Drak‘thul US - Alliance
- Drak’thul US - Horde
- Draka US - Alliance
- Draka US - Horde
- Drakkari US - Alliance
- Drakkari US - Horde
- Dreadmaul US - Alliance
- Dreadmaul US - Horde
- Drenden US - Alliance
- Drenden US - Horde
- Dunemaul US - Alliance
- Dunemaul US - Horde
- Durotan US - Alliance
- Durotan US - Horde
- Duskwood US - Alliance
- Duskwood US - Horde
- Earthen Ring US - Alliance
- Earthen Ring US - Horde
- Echo Isles US - Alliance
- Echo Isles US - Horde
- Eitrigg US - Alliance
- Eitrigg US - Horde
- Eldre‘Thalas US - Alliance
- Eldre’Thalas US - Horde
- Elune US - Alliance
- Elune US - Horde
- Emerald Dream US - Alliance
- Emerald Dream US - Horde
- Eonar US - Alliance
- Eonar US - Horde
- Eredar US - Alliance
- Eredar US - Horde
- Executus US - Alliance
- Executus US - Horde
- Exodar US - Alliance
- Exodar US - Horde
- Farstriders US - Alliance
- Farstriders US - Horde
- Feathermoon US - Alliance
- Feathermoon US - Horde
- Fenris US - Alliance
- Fenris US - Horde
- Firetree US - Alliance
- Firetree US - Horde
- Fizzcrank US - Alliance
- Fizzcrank US - Horde
- Frostmane US - Alliance
- Frostmane US - Horde
- Frostmourne US - Alliance
- Frostmourne US - Horde
- Frostwolf US - Alliance
- Frostwolf US - Horde
- Galakrond US - Alliance
- Galakrond US - Horde
- Garithos US - Alliance
- Garithos US - Horde
- Garona US - Alliance
- Garona US - Horde
- Garrosh US - Alliance
- Garrosh US - Horde
- Ghostlands US - Alliance
- Ghostlands US - Horde
- Gilneas US - Alliance
- Gilneas US - Horde
- Gnomeregan US - Alliance
- Gnomeregan US - Horde
- Gorefiend US - Alliance
- Gorefiend US - Horde
- Gorgonnash US - Alliance
- Gorgonnash US - Horde
- Greymane US - Alliance
- Greymane US - Horde
- Grizzly Hills US - Alliance
- Grizzly Hills US - Horde
- Gul‘dan US - Alliance
- Gul’dan US - Horde
- Gundrak US - Alliance
- Gundrak US - Horde
- Gurubashi US - Alliance
- Gurubashi US - Horde
- Kael‘thas US - Alliance
- Kael’thas US - Horde
- Kalecgos US - Alliance
- Kalecgos US - Horde
- Kargath US - Alliance
- Kargath US - Horde
- Kel‘Thuzad US - Alliance
- Kel’Thuzad US - Horde
- Khadgar US - Alliance
- Khadgar US - Horde
- Khaz‘goroth US - Alliance
- Khaz’goroth US - Horde
- Khaz Modan US - Alliance
- Khaz Modan US - Horde
- Kil‘Jaeden US - Alliance
- Kil’Jaeden US - Horde
- Kilrogg US - Alliance
- Kilrogg US - Horde
- Kirin Tor US - Alliance
- Kirin Tor US - Horde
- Korgath US - Alliance
- Korgath US - Horde
- Korialstrasz US - Alliance
- Korialstrasz US - Horde
- Kul‘Tiras US - Alliance
- Kul’Tiras US - Horde
- Laughing Skull US - Alliance
- Laughing Skull US - Horde
- Lethon US - Alliance
- Lethon US - Horde
- Lightbringer US - Alliance
- Lightbringer US - Horde
- Lightning‘s Blade US - Alliance
- Lightning’s Blade US - Horde
- Lightninghoof US - Alliance
- Lightninghoof US - Horde
- Llane US - Alliance
- Llane US - Horde
- Lothar US - Alliance
- Lothar US - Horde
- Madoran US - Alliance
- Madoran US - Horde
- Maelstrom US - Alliance
- Maelstrom US - Horde
- Magtheridon US - Alliance
- Magtheridon US - Horde
- Maiev US - Alliance
- Maiev US - Horde
- Mal‘Ganis US - Alliance
- Mal’Ganis US - Horde
- Malfurion US - Alliance
- Malfurion US - Horde
- Malorne US - Alliance
- Malorne US - Horde
- Malygos US - Alliance
- Malygos US - Horde
- Mannoroth US - Alliance
- Mannoroth US - Horde
- Medivh US - Alliance
- Medivh US - Horde
- Misha US - Alliance
- Misha US - Horde
- Mok‘Nathal US - Alliance
- Mok’Nathal US - Horde
- Moon Guard US - Alliance
- Moon Guard US - Horde
- Moonrunner US - Alliance
- Moonrunner US - Horde
- Mug‘thol US - Alliance
- Mug’thol US - Horde
- Muradin US - Alliance
- Muradin US - Horde
- Nagrand US - Alliance
- Nagrand US - Horde
- Nathrezim US - Alliance
- Nathrezim US - Horde
- Nazgrel US - Alliance
- Nazgrel US - Horde
- Nazjatar US - Alliance
- Nazjatar US - Horde
- Nemesis US - Alliance
- Nemesis US - Horde
- Ner‘Zhul US - Alliance
- Ner Zhul US - Horde
- Nesingwary US - Alliance
- Nesingwary US - Horde
- Nordrassil US - Alliance
- Nordrassil US - Horde
- Norgannon US - Alliance
- Norgannon US - Horde
- Sargeras US - Alliance
- Sargeras US - Horde
- Saurfang US - Alliance
- Saurfang US - Horde
- Scarlet Crusade US - Alliance
- Scarlet Crusade US - Horde
- Scilla US - Alliance
- Scilla US - Horde
- Sen’Jin US - Alliance
- Sen‘Jin US - Horde
- Sentinels US - Alliance
- Sentinels US - Horde
- Shadow Council US - Alliance
- Shadow Council US - Horde
- Shadow Moon US - Alliance
- Shadow Moon US - Horde
- Shadowsong US - Alliance
- Shadowsong US - Horde
- Shandris US - Alliance
- Shandris US - Horde
- Shattered Halls US - Alliance
- Shattered Halls US - Horde
- Shattered Hand US - Alliance
- Shattered Hand US - Horde
- Shu’halo US - Alliance
- Shu‘halo US - Horde
- Silver Hand US - Alliance
- Silver Hand US - Horde
- Silvermoon US - Alliance
- Silvermoon US - Horde
- Sisters of Elune US - Alliance
- Sisters of Elune US - Horde
- Skullcrusher US - Alliance
- Skullcrusher US - Horde
- Skywall US - Alliance
- Skywall US - Horde
- Smolderthorn US - Alliance
- Smolderthorn US - Horde
- Spinebreaker US - Alliance
- Spinebreaker US - Horde
- Spirestone US - Alliance
- Spirestone US - Horde
- Staghelm US - Alliance
- Staghelm US - Horde
- Steamwheedle Cartel US - Alliance
- Steamwheedle Cartel US - Horde
- Stonemaul US - Alliance
- Stonemaul US - Horde
- Stormrage US - Alliance
- Stormrage US - Horde
- Stormreaver US - Alliance
- Stormreaver US - Horde
- Stormscale US - Alliance
- Stormscale US - Horde
- Suramar US - Alliance
- Suramar US - Horde
- Tanaris US - Alliance
- Tanaris US - Horde
- Terenas US - Alliance
- Terenas US - Horde
- Terokkar US - Alliance
- Terokkar US - Horde
- Thaurissan US - Alliance
- Thaurissan US - Horde
- The Forgotten Coast US - Alliance
- The Forgotten Coast US - Horde
- The Scryers US - Alliance
- The Scryers US - Horde
- The Underbog US - Alliance
- The Underbog US - Horde
- The Venture Co US - Alliance
- The Venture Co US - Horde
- Thorium Brotherhood US - Alliance
- Thorium Brotherhood US - Horde
- Thrall US - Alliance
- Thrall US - Horde
- Thunderhorn US - Alliance
- Thunderhorn US - Horde
- Thunderlord US - Alliance
- Thunderlord US - Horde
- Tichondrius US - Alliance
- Tichondrius US - Horde
- Tortheldrin US - Alliance
- Tortheldrin US - Horde
- Trollbane US - Alliance
- Trollbane US - Horde
- Turalyon US - Alliance
- Turalyon US - Horde
- Twisting Nether US - Alliance
- Twisting Nether US - Horde
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